315 John R. Rice Blvd. Suite 150
Murfreesboro, TN  37127
615-893-9295 ext.3

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FSA Staff

FSA is primarily tasked with the implementation of farm conservation and regulation laws around the country. Farmers who are eligible to participate in these programs elect a three- to five-person county committee, which reviews county office operations and makes decisions on how to apply the programs. This grassroots approach gives a farmer a much-needed say in how federal actions affect their communitites and their individual operations. After more than 60 years, it remains a cornerstone of FSA's efforts to preserve and promote American agriculture.



County Executive Director



Program Technician

NRCS Staff

NRCS is an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture. NRCS staff is available in all 95 Tennessee counties to provide assistance to landowners through cost share programs that promote conservation of our natural resources.


                           Michael Roberts

                          District Conservationist



Tamia Bass

Natural Resource Specialist



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S&WCD Staff

S&WCD staff members are available to assist landowners with programs available through partner organizations.



Autumn Toombs

District Technician




Stacy Fuller

Administrative Support

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S&WCD Board

Soil and Water Conservation Districts are local units of government responsible for the soil and water conservation work within their boundaries. The district's role is to increase voluntary conservation practices among farmers, ranchers and other land users. The S&WCD is governed by an elected board.

Marvin Whitworth



Anthony Scales

Vice Chairman

Delia Goodman



Michael Vaught



Carter Woodruff



Board and Staff

S&WCD Staff

S&WCD staff members are available to assist landowners with programs available through partner organizations. 


S&WCD Board

Soil & Water Conservation Districts are local units of government responsible for the soil and water conservation work within their boundaries. The districts' role is to increase voluntary conservation practices among farmers, ranchers and other land users. The S&WCD is governed by an elected board. 

NRCS Staff

NRCS is an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture. NRCS staff is available in all 95 Tennessee counties to provide assistance to landowners through cost share programs that promote conservation of our natural resources. 

FSA Staff

FSA in Tennessee administers farms loans, farm programs, conservation and stewardship incentives, disaster assistance and food aid across the country and around the world. 

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